Tuesday, June 3, 2008

SMEs - tools for understanding trends (1/2007)

SMEs in my experience do themselves a massive disservice. They do not read.I am fortunate in that I am an avid reader, and it makes an immense difference to my businesses. However, I know that I am fortunate.

Whenever I do public appearances, I ask people in the room how many different newspaper or magazines they read a month, and the average is 3 (the same newspaper read every day counts as 1).

I use the Google Alerts tool to send me all the alerts on SME and Trends. Over the year end, trends become a centre of attention, and so I have received many alerts. These alerts covered trends across many industries, from food, to IT to clothing and a whole lot more besides.

Now I am not in all these industries, but I am in some. So for some of my own businesses I gained an insight into the coming trends for 2007. But for my clients who are in the other industries, I gained an insight into the opportunities for their businesses.Today, even if you do not read a lot, using a business tool like Google Alerts makes it easy to know what is going on in your industry. Can you afford not to use a tool like this?I believe not. So get out there, click on the Google link and get yourself up to speed. Use this fantastic opportunity!

Rob Smorfitt

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